Sunday April 14 - Palm Sunday | 10:00 am
The traditional Moravian Hymn, "Hosanna" will be sung amid the palm fronds as we remember Jesus' entrance to Jerusalem.
Tuesday, April 16 & Wednesday April 17 - Holy Week Readings | 6:30 pm
Traditional Holy Week Readings each evening remind us of the events Jesus faced in his final days. Scripture passages are read and hymns sung in response to the message.
Thursdsay April 18 - Maunday Thursday Worship with Communion and Tenabrae | 7:00 pm
Service held at Lakeview Moravian |3565 Tulane Avenue
A communion service in preparation for Good Friday.
Friday April 19 - Ecumenical Good Friday Worship Services
East side - Service held at St. Stephen's ELCA |5700 Pheasant Hill Rd, Monona | 12 Noon
West side - Service held at Covenant Presbyterian |3265 Segoe Rd, Madison | 7 pm
Pastor Staci will be participating in leadership at Covenant Presbyterian.
Saturday April 20 - Ecumenical Great Sabbath Vigil | 8:00 pm
Service held at St Luke' Episcopal Church | 4011 Major Avenue
This is a tradition of many of our ecumenical partners. The service will last 90-100 minutes and will be different from a traditional Moravian service.